Brozinni Pizza - Revisit
We had an opportunity to stop at Brozinni the other day when we were heading to Brown County, and I was thrilled. I figured, it’s been awhile since I wrote about it and everyone is always asking me what my favorite pizza place is---and well, it’s this place, so I figured it was time for an update.
You have to start with an order of garlic knuckles ($2.50 for 4, $4.99 for 8). These are basically just pieces of the pizza dough twisted into a knot and then coated in super garlicky, super buttery sauce. I love these things. Things like this are the reason I know I could never give up bread. Their dough is so good on the pizza, and this is the perfect thing to start with. Plus, you have to have the leftover garlic butter to dip your pizza crust in. You have to get some for that reason alone.

I also got the chance to try a couple bites of a whole pie—or at least one half of it. Hubby and the friends we were with ordered a pie with two flavors—I had a bite of the “34th Street,” which is a white pizza. I had my doubts about white sauce in a NY style place, but it was pretty darn tasty as well. They make a creamy white sauce and put it on the pizza with basil, lots of garlic and mozzarella. I am pretty sure I got some ricotta in there too, although it’s not listed as an ingredient on the menu. The crust is really what makes the pizza at Brozinni and this piece of pizza just proved that to me—even with completely different toppings, I still really enjoyed it. Can’t say I won’t go back to my usual on a return visit, but I would happily eat this one if I got to eat here more frequently.
Brozinni Pizza
8810 S. Emerson Ave
Indy IN 46237
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