Giveaway! Malicious But Delicious Dinner-- CANCELLED!!

***SORRY TO SAY THIS DINNER HAS BEEN POSTPONED TO A LATER DATE, SO THE CONTEST HAS BEEN CANCELLED ****************************** Hey everyone! I've got 2 tickets to give away to the upcoming "Malicious but Delicious" dinner July 9th from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm. It's being held at COurses Restaurant downtown. I'm already attending and would love to meet some of my readers there! It's a 21 and over dinner, so please don't enter if you're not over 21. I think this sounds like a very fun event. If you don't win the tickets, you can purchase them here: On Thursday at around 5:00 p.m., I will randomly select one commenter from this post on to give the tickets away to. If you don't respond by Friday morning, I'll pick a new winner. Leave a comment and tell me which course you're looking forward to trying the most! Here's the details: Please jo...