
Es werden Posts vom Februar, 2012 angezeigt.

Petite Chou - Revisit

I’m back on the fried chicken thing ever since those wings from First Wok the other day.   After having several conversations about the duck fat fried chicken from Petite Chou (in Broad Ripple only) with several people, I finally figured out a Wednesday night, with babysitting to try it (they only do it on Wednesdays).   There were four of us, and we all wanted it—we mentioned it to the server right away, which is advisable because it takes about 30 minutes to cook.   Get your order in, and in the meantime, order a starter and enjoy your drinks.   Also, I am pretty sure they only do so many, so it is a good idea to order before they run out. I am pretty sure the table next to us didn’t get any because they had already run out (us getting 4 orders probably didn’t help.) To start though, hubby and I shared the wild mushroom duxelles ($6.95).   Friends of mine (including the ones we were with) had had a version of this before and really liked it.   The version they offered on this night

U.S. Adventures: Vegas, Baby! (Part 2)

Image via Wikipedia And...the first part of a post of which I have already posted the second part. Enjoy.... Some people go to Las Vegas for gambling, some go for the shows (and apparently some go for the very short skirts). Me, I go for the food.   And to meet up with a very dear friend who I met when I lived in San Francisco, and who remains one of my closest friends. She needed to get away, I was tired of everyone telling me about how great the food is in Vegas, so it seemed perfect.    She was happy to let me plan every meal and accompany me as my date. Upon my arrival the first night, it was dinner time in Vegas (even though it was like 10:00 p.m. Indy time) and I was excited to start our marathon of food!   I quickly checked in to the room and went down to have dinner at Jaleo, one of the restaurants in our hotel, The Cosmopolitan.   Jaleo is a restaurant from Chef Jos é Andr é s, and is a Spanish tapas restaurant.   We caught up, drank (too much) and enjoyed some food.   Honest

Room 4--Revisit

Recently, I had the opportunity to take advantage of Recess/Room 4’s special lunch hours during Super Bowl week.   Even though technically, by the time you read this, you won’t be able to take advantage of it yourself, since they were just offering their normal Room 4 fare, I figured it was game for a post (even though we were actually sitting in Recess) because you can always go to Room 4 and get some similar types of stuff.   I was with the BFF and we both started with the “hangover chicken soup” ($11) which was perfect for me because I felt like I was getting just a touch of a cold, and the spicy rich broth was exactly what I needed.   The soup was loaded with pieces of seasoned, tender chicken and a ton of veggies—celery, carrots, onions, jalapenos, tomatoes and zucchini.   There was a nice little garnish of cilantro on top. The veggies were tender, but not tasteless mush, like so often happens in soup.   But seriously, the thing about this soup was the well-seasoned broth.   It ha

Eggshell Bistro

If you read my blog regularly, you know I have a thing for eggs. Put a runny egg on top of just about anything, and it gets better.   So of course I was instantly intrigued when I heard about Eggshell Bistro, where just about every item on the menu features eggs.   When I couldn’t get one of my male friends to meet me there because it was, ahem, “too girly,” I convinced my parents to join me.   The interior is quite cute, and I have to say, possibly a little girly (think “shabby chic”).   Lots of antiques and cute little wrought iron tables (my one gripe being that in our particular case, the chairs seemed too short for the table and you felt like you needed a cushion to sit on).   The tables for two can also be quite small, but as it turns out, the dishes are on the petite side as well, so it probably all works out. I ordered the truffled egg brioche   which was a fairly thick slice of brioche bread (a slightly more eggy, buttery bread) with a slice of Fontina cheese melted across th

The Libertine-Revisit

So, if you have been following me lately, you know I am a fan of The Libertine.   I have been excited to see they have been pretty well fully booked with reservations a couple of times when I have tried to make a reservation lately (so happy they are taking reservations now). It makes me happy to see a place I really like be successful, even if it means I can’t go that night.   But the other night, we did get a table reserved and went in to try out the latest menu.   We started with the artichoke fritters ($8) and the famer’s cheese and olive tapenade crostini ($10).   Both were good, but the artichoke fritters were our clear winner of the two.   There were 5 little crispy fried balls that were chock full of artichoke and artichoke flavor.   There was a distinct lemon flavor as well and a wonderful cilantro aioli to dip in.   We really liked these, to the point we had to cut the last one in half to make sure we were exactly even (often hubby eats more than I do).   This was something I

U.S. Adventures - Las Vegas (Part 1)

 Vegas from the Air Ok, so I totally screwed up and accidentally posted this earlier today, but when it was only half finished and edited, which put it out on lots of people’s readers, so I am just going to re-post it properly today and post what was actually the first half of my recent trip to Vegas on another day, and this, which was the second half of the trip, today. Clear as mud? Good. (I just hate having a half finished thing floating out there). So recently, I got to go to Las Vegas with a close girlfriend from California (more on that in my next post).  And for our last lunch in Vegas, I had chosen RM Seafood just to get something different, and to visit some other casinos, so we headed to Mandalay Bay, which turned out to be much further than it looked to walk.   (The Strip seems to do that—you can see that resort, it looks so close!).   But as soon as we settled in, we noticed that our server Cliff was exceedingly helpful and knowledgeable about the menu and the wine.   He

First Wok

On the recommendation of a friend, I stopped in to First Wok on the way home from downtown. I needed something fast and on the way home, and it fit the bill.   Plus it was new (to me), which always makes me happy.   Also on my friend’s recommendation, I got the chicken wings ($3.45) and a spring roll ($1.20)—and on my own I got some hot and sour soup ($1.85) because a girl cannot live on fried food alone, right?   It’s totally a little hole in the wall kind of place, only a couple of tables inside--it is mostly a carry out place. I was a little hesitant about the wings. I don’t know that I have ever ordered wings at a Chinese place, but am always willing to give something a try.   He was right—they were really big, whole wings (not the sad little things you get at so many bars) and they were fried in tasty, crunchy batter.   Basically, just some really nice fried chicken.   There were 4 in an order which was pretty generous given the price and their size I thought.   And I was even kin

King Ribs

Hubby got in the mood for barbecue again (this happens every so often at our house).   It is one of the rare categories of restaurants that he seems to have an overwhelming desire to try all of, so I am always willing to indulge. I am not sure why he was so geared up for King Ribs other than I think he likes the fact that it is in an old car wash. Hubby is a car guy. Anyway, they just do a carry out thing at King Ribs, so we got online and picked out what we wanted. We got the rib dinner (on Sundays it is on special for $7.78 with two sides), some barbecue chicken (half chicken is $4.50) and pulled chicken (1 pound is around $10, but not sure because it isn’t really on the menu).   (We wanted the pulled pork, but apparently they were out).   We had sides of mac and cheese,   potato salad and baked beans. Here’s the thing. It wasn’t very good. I feel like I say this a lot about barbecue, but honestly I have had some good stuff, and this wasn’t it.   The best thing was the half chicken,

Super Bowl Restaurant Guide for Indianapolis

Hey Super Bowl fans! If you found me, you probably want to know where to eat in Indianapolis, so here’s the skinny on our local food scene (at least my version anyway).   I would personally be devastated if you come all the way to Indy only to eat at mediocre chains (and trust me, it wouldn’t be hard). Local friends, help me (and our visitors) out and add your additional suggestions in the comments.  Obviously, there are other good places, these are just a few of my favorites.   For the restaurants’ websites with information about location, etc., click on their names below. Downtown Restaurants   One Eyed Jack-The Libertine The Libertine :   This place is a bar with amazing food.   It is small, so if you want to go, you better book it right this very second. (Since it’s a bar, no kids). They are going to be open for lunch throughout the Super weekend as well. Do it, you won’t be sad. My review is here . R Bistro : This is fine, local dining at its best. Local chef, local ingredien