Recess - Revisit

It has been awhile since we’ve been to Recess—not sure why, it is still one of the best restaurants in town. I guess maybe it seems like such a commitment, time-wise and food-wise. The good news is, it is totally worth it. It was on my in-laws list of places they have wanted to try in Indy, and it was the holidays, so a good excuse (not that you really need one). I am sure you know by now that Recess is a price fixed menu—you get 4 or 5 courses—usually you have a choice for the largest protein and often there is an additional supplemental course for an extra charge (this night it was $56 with a $12 up charge for the pate). So you have to go on faith with what they are making that day. Most meals I have had have been good to really great, although there are always courses that I like better than others. The first course on this night was the weakest one for me (and I think everyone at the table). It was mixed greens with sliced jicama, radishes and tortill...