So, 4 years ago today I started this blog. I have to say, friends ask me if I am burnt out on blogging and I can safely say, I am not. There are those days for sure, but in general, I actually think I like it now more than ever. It has become sort of like a job (a really crappily paid job, but at least I like it). I have met a lot of people I never would have met otherwise, and have made a lot of friends, some just online friends and some who have become very good real life friends. How cool is that? Certainly a perk I wasn’t expecting (or even thinking of) when I started this whole thing four years ago. Some of you guys I feel like I know, even though I may only know you through recurring comments, emails or conversations with you on twitter . (I worry when I don’t hear from some of you for too long, is that weird?) But one thing I would like to say is how much I LOVE it, and you, when you take the time and make the effort to leave me a comment ...