
Es werden Posts vom Dezember, 2011 angezeigt.

Chatham Tap

I was intrigued about some comments about Chatham Tap’s tenderloins (and sides) after my Muldoon’s review and after asking around and finding out that at least the location in Fishers is family friendly, we loaded up the kids one night to give it a try (anyone know about the downtown location? Is it kid friendly?)   It had only been a couple of weeks since we tried Muldoon’s, so it was still pretty fresh and a good time to make a comparison. Based on a reader comment (thanks, Tom H.), we went with an order of the breadsticks ($5.99 with an up charge to add a second sauce) to start (also because it is something that all four of us would eat).   I have to say, they were a highlight.   The dough (assuming the same as their pizza dough, as they have a fairly extensive pizza menu) was cut into rectangles slices of bread (rather than your traditional “stick” form) and were topped with herbs and seasonings—thinking garlic, salt and pepper and maybe some fresh parsley.   They tasted really go

Colts Grille

This is a restaurant that I probably would not have eaten in if it had not been for the blog.  Not because I am not a Colts fan (I don’t want to rile anyone up), but because well, a) sports bars are not my typical places, b) it’s a chain, and c) it is centered around tons of tvs playing sports all the time.  But I actually had several people recommend this place to me, which was enough for me to at least give it a go. Also, we had my son with us, who has been playing “football” on the playground for the last couple of years (we’re talking preschool) so we knew he would dig it regardless.  It is amazing how this sports thing is born and bred here in Indiana. Anyhow, we sort of worked our way in to the place (if you come from the garage, it is a little bit of a maze to get there) and were seated right away. It wasn’t a football night, so the place was pretty much empty. It was sort of depressingly empty actually, and aside from the tvs, the décor is pretty much 90s airport.  A little gri

Thai Café

I like Thai food.   I am not exceptionally versed in it, but I certainly have my favorites and my not so favorites in town.   I wanted to try something new, and this one is in Broad Ripple, so it would be very convenient if I liked it.   I took the BFF with me to get us out of our usual Taste rut (where we almost always seem to end up, but we just love it so).   So the décor of this place is a little strange.   The tables are pretty close together (although there were not a lot of other people there) and there was a strange blue hue over the back half of the restaurant which is where they first seated us, until I asked to be moved into natural light near the windows (high maintenance right?).   But seriously, it’s all part of the experience and the blueness is sort of strange.   Not sure if it was from the big TV or what, but it was kind of off-putting (you can still sort of see it in the pictures). The first thing they brought us was the soup that came with our lunches.   I actually q

Harry & Izzy's- North

You know, I am pretty psyched to have a local steak place on our side of town.   The closest one is Peterson’s, which I actually quite like, but it is still a little trek from my house, and well, let’s face it, it is one of the more expensive ones.   The new Harry & Izzy’s is super close to my house and some friends invited us to join them for dinner shortly after they opened.   So, I don’t usually review a place so quick, but I figured, you can all take that into account when you are reading this right?   So the interior space is nice, especially considering it is in a strip mall—not quite as dark and clubby as I sort of expected, but a nice, fairly sophisticated space overall.   The place was jammed also so I guess I am not the only one who is happy to have a locally owned place in this area (and I am sure the proximity to the Nordstrom Rack and Container store don’t hurt either.   I have never seen a bigger transformation in a strip mall then this one).   Anyway, we were greeted

Black Market- Revisit

So this was a tough one for me….My first visit to Black Market was really good—I really enjoyed just about everything I ate.   This review is actually my third return visit—I didn’t write up the second one because it was not so good and I thought maybe it was just an off night because it was so different from my first visit.   This most recent visit was better than the last, but didn't meet the high of the first... I don't know if is just a matter of taste preference or if the finesse from the first visit has just worn off….anyway, these are my thoughts on my most recent visit…. We started with the house cured salmon and chips with capers and egg and lemon crème fraiche ($11).   This may have been my favorite item of the evening.   It was fairly simple, but the salmon was very well done. It was light and fresh tasting and while I liked the lemony crème fraiche and some of the egg (more like an egg salad actually) or pickled beets with the fish, hubby thought the accompaniments

La Parada

I love that you can live in this town for years and find new places that turn out to be little gems.   This place is one of them to me.   And it wasn’t perfect, but there is just something about it that makes you just like it as soon as you walk in.   Hubby might say it is the Mexican t.v. shows playing some show depicting scantily clad women that warmed his heart, so to speak, but I like the pure charm of the place.   It is a little tiny, almost diner-like place (anyone know what it originally was?) but it is super clean, and just a sort of a darn cute dive, if you know what I mean.   I asked around (wow, people are pretty into this place) about what to order and got a lot of different answers, but probably 80% of them included some form of tacos so we knew we had to get several flavors of those ($1.99 each).   Because it sounded good (even if hubby thought I was potentially crazy), I also ordered a shrimp ceviche tostada ($3.75). But first, they bring you chips and salsa—there is a m


Yats.   A place that is clearly an institution in Indy, and one which people have extremely strong feelings about.   And a place I had never been until this visit. Not sure why, possibly because I just get nervous about places like this—it seems like there are expectations to live up to and sometimes in this town I find with places like this (see, Mug n Bun ),sometimes people’s sentimentality dominates their taste buds. (Actually, I could name a list of places that this applies to now that I think about it—Hollyhock Hill is the first one that springs to mind, not to mention a LOT of Italian places in this town). But, it was cold, really cold , one day and I wanted something warm and comforting and thought it was as good a time as any to check it out (and I had an appointment on Mass Ave, so it worked out).   I felt as though it was a requirement to get the chili cheese étouffée with crawfish, as untraditional as it may be, just because it is the thing I always hear people talking about


After getting into a discussion online with some folks about tenderloins, I really wanted to try Muldoon’s version.   I convinced hubby to go with me (even though he was suffering from a temporary health kick).   We drove up to Carmel, dodged the weirdo statues outside on Main Street, and made our way in.   The place is a pub, a clean, non-smoky pub, but not fancy or anything.   There weren’t a lot of people in there just before noon, but several people came in while we were there. So we got the tenderloin sandwich ($7.95) and the fish sandwich ($7.95) and it turned out to be the perfect combination.   I really wanted to get the fish and chips over the fish sandwich, but the sandwich was like $3 cheaper, and as it turned out, had the exact same bun as the tenderloin.   So we cut the tenderloin meat in half (it was huge) and both had plenty for each bun.   We ate the fish on its own without a bun (a la fish and chips). Voila! A tenderloin sandwich for each of us AND a nice piece of fish

Mama Irma

As soon as I heard about Mama Irma’s opening in Fountain Square I was excited. One thing Indy seems to be lacking is Peruvian restaurants. Machu Picchu on the West side is pretty good, but I was psyched there was somewhere a little closer—and in Fountain Square which is an area I really like because of the neighborhood feel.   I was also bummed after trying to go to Peruvian Corner for the first time recently and finding it closed. Anyway, I stopped in for lunch one day and looked over the menu. I had a really hard time deciding what to order, and I really wanted to try more than one thing, so I decided to go with a papa rellena appetizer ($5.50) and a soup ($6.25). I loved the papa rellena. Seriously, I have been thinking about this thing since I ate it and am trying to figure out a way to get over there and eat another one. Hubby has been making fun of me about it, but I plan on getting another one very soon.   It is basically a football shaped ball of mashed potatoes that are fille