
Es werden Posts vom September, 2011 angezeigt.

Bu Da Lounge - Lunch - Revist

I was downtown the other day again, back on Mass Ave, but wanting to try something new. Or at least sort of new.   I have been to Bu Da Lounge before for dinner , and honestly didn’t even know they were open for lunch until I checked it out at a friend’s suggestion.   He has also repeatedly told me about how good their shrimp wonton soup is, and it was kind of a grey day, so it seemed a perfect opportunity to give it a try. They open at noon, and I was a few minutes early, so I ended up spending time browsing (as well as more money than I intended) at Mass Ave Toys .   I know I have mentioned it before, but how cool is it that we still have such a nice independent toy shop?   But then I walked in to Bu Da right at noon, hoping to avoid any potential crowds (really any potential cigar smokers) and succeeded at least at first. I was the only one there for the first little while, and I quickly ordered my soup ($7.95).   It is a large bowl, and it was so hot (as in temperature) that I may

Taste Café and Marketplace- Revisit - Dinner

For some reason I always forget about Taste as an option for dinner—I guess because it is only open a couple of nights a week   (Wednesdays and Thursdays I believe) because I never forget about it as a lunch option. It is one of my favorites for lunch for sure. (Check out my other reviews of both lunch and dinner here .)   Hubby and I had a babysitter on a Thursday the other day and actually remembered it.   It was also a beautiful night so we thought it would be nice to sit outside.   I think the food hits a spot that Indy is lacking in though---good but not overly fancy, small plates.   (They do have entrées, but we always get small plates when we go).   The menu is quite extensive though, so it always takes us awhile to decide. And then when the server told us the specials, it was almost overwhelming.   There were probably 10, each with about 10 different ingredients. It took quite awhile for him to read them all off to us.   I am thinking it may be a lot easier (and less time consu

A Few of My Favorite Places: Kincaid's Meat Market

Another place that I really love in this town is Kincaid’s Meat Market.   This place has been around forever, and is my favorite place to go for serious red meat.   It is an old fashioned butcher shop and they have pretty much everything from deli meats to beef and chicken, as well as lots of exotic things that they usually have on hand in the freezer.   So if you are looking for ostrich, wild game, duck, foie gras or whatever, you can get them all here.   But probably my favorite thing to get there is beef.   (And I generally skip the seafood.) They have all grades—choice and prime (as well as one lower than choice I believe) and their ribeyes are awesome.   My 6 year old loves going in there and picking out steaks for his favorite meal (ribeyes).   I also like that they still focus on customer service and will cut and prepare whatever you want to order.   I usually go in once or twice a month, pick out a ton of stuff and take it home and pop it in the freezer.   I always have them cu

Naisa -- Revisit

Recently I stopped into Naisa for a follow up lunch. I couldn’t believe how long it had been since my last visit .   I hadn’t been to Fountain Square in awhile, and I really like this part of the City.   Recently, I have also been reading articles about Fountain Square’s struggles with the construction in the area and I wanted to make sure to support the area.   Indy has a lot of really great restaurants in this area and I would hate to see any of them lost because of the hassle of the parking and traffic in the area.   Getting over there was a bit of a challenge because at the time, there were several roads closed into Fountain Square (which look like they have since re-opened), and you just have to plan on parking off the main streets, but if you go in knowing that, it isn’t a really big deal to just park on a side street.   Wow, though, you had to feel for Naisa, they don’t even have a sidewalk in front right now, just a bunch of crushed gravel right up to the door.   But once I was

Road Trip: Boca--Cincinnati

Wow. So, you know how I am always bitching about how Indy has no good Italian places?   Well, this restaurant, this one right here, is the reason why.   What I wouldn’t give to have this restaurant, or one like it, in Indy. And it is in Cincinnati people, it isn’t some fancy East coast or West coast spot, so it is possible to pull it off in the Midwest.   We were visiting friends in Cincinnati and decided to pick one of the many places on my “list” to try—there are so many places in Cincinnati that I want to go to.   We had a hard time narrowing it down, but ended up choosing Boca.   On the weekends they have a prix fixe menu where you get 2 courses plus dessert for $57 or 3 courses plus dessert for $69.   I really wanted to try several of the lighter first and second course items though, but thought I might be getting ripped off since I wasn’t getting the bigger main dishes.   I asked the waiter and he said they would happily just charge me the a la carte prices for whatever I wanted

Taqueria Guanajuato

This place is pretty cool. I had never even realized that such a cool little piece of Mexico existed in Indy.   The taqueria is set inside a huge Mexican market.   When you walk in, you really feel transported. I loved looking at all the meat in the meat counter—so many things you don’t often see in the regular grocery stores—pigs’ feet, tripe, and tons and tons of everything offered. I have never seen so much meat in one place.   Seriously, this place is worth it just to wander the aisles and look at all the products.   But inside, in one corner, there is a little taqueria set up.   It isn’t the kind of taqueria I am familiar with, where you walk down and tell them how to make your burrito.   In this case, you basically line up, pick your form (taco, torta or burrito) and tell them what meat you want.   They take it from there.   There is a huge flattop where they are constantly grilling some type of meat and then they call your number when your order is ready. I was with a friend who

Athens on 86th

Every once in awhile I get in the mood for Greek food, mainly because I have a thing for phyllo dough, and recently a friend told me that she liked this place because the food is good and the waiters are cute. So of course, I had to check it out.   It is one of those strip mall restaurants that are so prevalent in Indy that sort of take you by surprise because their interiors are nicer than what you might think.   It had a nice little outdoor seating area too, although they had just resurfaced the parking lot and the smell would have ruined my meal.   There were a couple of brave souls out there though. So, as I mentioned, I love phyllo, so often appetizers are some of my favorite items in a Greek place. I also love hummus in general, so again, my favorite part of the menu is the top part.   Hubby and I have often wanted to get the saganaki, or flaming cheese, and have never seemed to make it happen because we are always so busy ordering other things.   This time, we decided to go hog

City Café

I randomly stopped at City Café when I was downtown the other day.   I remember a couple of people recommending it to me and looking at the menu, it looked very appealing.   I walked in a little after noon on a weekday, and while it is a fairly small place (probably 12-15 tables), all but one were full (and it was being cleared).   The place stayed full the entire time I was there, which always (ok, usually) is a good sign for me. So they have a homemade soup of the day (well, they call it “yesterday’s soup, because we all know it’s better the next day”) and on the day I was there it was chicken and rice, which is always one of my favorites.   So I ordered “the tenderloin” sandwich and substituted a cup of the soup for my chips.   (Sandwich is $9.50, sub soup +$2.75).   The soup was not what I was expecting, but it was very good.   The server told me it was a little on the spicy side, and I was sort of imagining you classic heat.   But actually, it was spicy, as in had a lot of unique


The View  Every so often I let hubby convince me to try Italian again.   This time it was because he had a fairly late meeting and so we wanted to go somewhere close to home because I knew I would be hungry by the time we got to dinner.   So we decided to return to Sangiovese which is very near our house.    We went once before, right after we moved here, and while we didn’t hate it, weren’t overly impressed with certain things (the mussels) and just never seemed to get around to going back.   So it had been about five years.   Sangiovese always has coupons in some of the local books, so we also finally decided to use one of them as well (and I see they are also going to be part of the “ Northside Nights ” restaurant week which starts this week). (P.S. there is also a " Savor the Southside " event going on at the same time on the southside.) The other reason I let myself be convinced to give Sangiovese another try is because they have a very nice deck overlooking the river i

Freddie Mercury

Googlenin yeni logosu Freddie Mercury. Peki kimdir bu Freddie Mercury ? Freddie Mercury 5  Eylül 1946 da Zanzibar da doğdu, 24 kasım 1991 de londrada öldü. Kendisi Britanyalı rock grubu Queen'in efsanevi solisti. Gerçek adı, Farrokh Bulsara'dır. Freddie Mercury

Black Diamond BBQ

Fresh on the high of a great set of ribs from Squealers not long ago, hubby has become slightly obsessed with barbeque.   He wants to try them all, like tomorrow, so he can compare and contrast them all while it is still fresh in his head.   So we invited friends over the other night to finally get around to trying Black Diamond which is like 5 minutes from our house, and which we have never tried.   It is a pretty small place, and there isn’t a lot of ambiance there, and since it is so close, we figured it probably wouldn’t lose much in the 5 minute drive from there to our house.   Not to mention, barbeque is inherently slow cooked anyway right?   The people working in there are really nice and they put together your order super fast. They do a lot of barbe que chicken at Black Diamond which I like, although the more I eat, the more I realize it is tough to do it well.   But I still decided to go with the half chicken anyway, figuring that at least the dark meat would be tender.   So